Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Rabbits > Pet rabbit throws everything she can find

Pet rabbit throws everything she can find

22 11:32:24

My daughter is 18 and she has had her rabbit for at least 6 months.  Over the last 2 1/2 months "Penelope" makes a horrible racket with anything (including her litter box) throwing them across the cage constantly.  My daughter can change out the litter and in seconds Penelope tosses the litter box to the other side of the cage sending litter everywhere (except in her cage).  She also doesn't seem to want to have anything to do with anybody.  She doesn't like to be held unless you hold her close to your chest constantly.  Any ideas of what could be bothering her?


How old is Penelope?  Has she ever been spayed?  A change in behavior usually indicates that the rabbit has reached sexual maturity, which includes some undesirable behaviors.

You can read about spaying and neutering at and also find links to rabbit-knowledgeable vets.
