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New rabbit runny nose

22 9:52:00

I have had my new 10 week old rabbit for less than 12 hours. He is super stressed by the move and the fact that I have had to spend the last 2 hours cutting and brushing massive mats out of his hair.

But he is curious, friendly, active and alert. He has pooped but I have seen him drink or eat yet.

He has clear discharge coming out of his nose his eyes are clear and no sneezing or wheezing. It isn't think or like mucous it is thin and watery. No crusty front paws and I am not sure about mats between his front legs since his whole body is matted. But he isn't wet there.

His setup is an x-pen with a sheet on the bottom litterbox with paper towel (so I can monitor poop and pee for now), cardboard box to hide in a stuffed toy and a few chew things water dish and food dish that is all.

Called my vet and she suggested it is from stress and all the new smells? I took him in earlier for his initial checkup and nothing was mentioned about it.

He was housed with a lot of other rabbits on wire floors and it didn't look like it had been cleaned in awhile.

Just wondering if you had any opinions about it?

Dear Jessica,

Clear, wet discharge under the nose under conditions like this would not immediately worry me.  But if this persists, it's best to have the vet check him out.  You can find a good rabbit vet here:

And for all the best, most accurate information about the care of your new pal, go to:

Good luck!
