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Snuffles and head tilt

22 11:33:38

I have a pair of bunnies with the snuffles and the female has developed a head tilt.  The vet had her on penicillin for 6 weeks about two months ago but that did not seem to work.  He, on the other hand, got sick about a month ago.  What do you think is the best way to go?  I would really appreciate your suggestions.

Dear Charyn,

If a culture and sensitivity test wasn't done, then that's definitely the way to go.  Many bacteria that cause upper respiratory infections (URI) are resistant to penicillin.  A fluoroquinolone (e.g., Baytril, cipro) might be the way to go.  But the only way to know for sure is with a c & s:

The head tilt might have something to do with the URI, but it also could be an independent problem.  If there is clear evidence of pus in the ear, then it might be due to a middle- or inner ear infection.  If no pus is visible, please ask the vet to check for molar root problems such as molar spurs or even a jaw abscess.  Either of these can contribute to head tilt:

Finally, a parasite known as Encephalitozoon cuniculi can cause head tilt, and this is  more common in a compromised bunny. The URI could have "opened the gate" for a clinical reaction to an E. cuniculi infection that already was present.  Please see:

as well as:

for your vet.

Also be sure the ears are clear of any debris caused by ear mites, since this can contribute to both infection and head tilt.  Ear mites are safely treated with Revolution (selamectin).  DO NOT use Frontline, which can be deadly to rabbits.  Please see:

I hope this helps.  Please write back if you have any other questions.
