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From Grief, For Truth, In Memory of Pebbles

22 9:38:44

Tempo SC Ultra pesticide, (Bayer Product) was used at our apartment and I strongly believe some chemical residue killed our beloved Pet Pebbles, the Lion Haired Rabbit. I would have sold everything to keep her well, I would have put down anyone who stood in the way of me trying to save her. I have lost too much in my life, and I need answers. I myself cant do the chemistry/biology like I once did before a most grievous injury. Please assist so I can have some degree of closure, before it consumes me further. With great appreciation for absolute truth, thank you.

Dear Gerald

I am so sorry for your tragic loss.

The only way to confirm that the pesticide was the cause of death is to have a necropsy performed by a rabbit-savvy veterinarian who can send tissue samples to the proper laboratories for histopathology and--most importantly--toxicology testing.  I hope you still have Pebbles's mortal remains, because unless you do, there is no way to verify the cause of death.

Please check the vet listings here:

for a rabbit vet in your area.  The body must have been kept very cold (not frozen) from shortly after the time of death, and necropsy should be performed preferably within 24 hours.  I hope it is not too late.

I am so very sorry.

