Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Rabbits > More then one rabbit

More then one rabbit

22 11:37:31


I would like to get a few male rabbits as pets but was wondering if they have to neutered to live together?

At what age should they be neutered?

Would they all live together happily if they were neutered?

Would they fight if I added a new one after a while?

On avrage how long do rabbits live?

  no i dont think that you have to have your rabbits neutered for them to live together.
But what i dont know about is that im not sure if they will get along if you buy a male rabbit,then add get enother and put it in the same hutch and then enouther.
The best thing to do is i would bue 2 male baby rabbits and let them grow up together.Then get enother hutch and bue 2 more male baby rabbits but it all depends on how many rabbits you want.
Normally rabbits only live up to 10 years old but if you love your rabbit,clean it when needed and give it lots of ettention then the longer your rabbit will live.
Hope this helps and good luck from Natasha.