Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Rabbits > my first pet rabbit

my first pet rabbit

22 10:41:09

Hi.My bother siad he will take me down to the pet store and pick a pet bunny or rabbit.This is the first time geting a pet rabbit and I rearly need pet rabbit care information on how to care for the rabbit im geting.
How can I tell the sex of a rabbit?(A female or a male)
How can Ii tell if the rabbit im going to pick is heathly?
3QWant sex is easyer to tame?
4QWant sex is better companyion?
5QWhat bedding is good to use for my rabbit?
6Q want is it better geting a adult rabbit or a baby rabbit?(Bunny)
7Q want should my pet rabbit live in(as in a cage or a box).
Please try to help.:from Kathleen.p.s.I also own 8 guinea pigs but when im chooseing a pet rabbit should I get 2rabbits? do rabbits get longly?.


1.You will not be able to tell untill the rabbit is at least 3  months old.  They sell them at 8 weeks in the petstore so you will have to go by what the owner says.  

2.Make sure to get the one that is runnying around and is not too quite.  Also make sure that the rabbit doesn't have any baldspots, runny nose, or flakey skin because this could be a sign of a more serious problem.  

3.Both sexes are equally as easy to tame.  

4.a female attacks on a regular basis and the male doesn't if they aren't spayed/nuetered.  If they are then there is really no difference.  

5.Cedar bedding is the best and it keeps them healthy.  Onee thing that I suggest is getting a bedding with hunks of wood in it so the rabbit can keep it's teeth worn down.

6.It is really your choice but a baby will grow up with you so they will bond with you more.  

7.A cage.

8.Rabbits get along very well with guinea pigs.  Also you should get two rabbits because they will need a buddy for the time that you are not there.  The only combinations of sexes that you can keep are male and female or female and female.  I hope I could help!
