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Heat and rabbits

22 9:57:55

Is heat more dangerous to lops since the ears are next to the body?

I'm surprise to see rabbits lying all together in the heat instead of seperated from each other's body heat.

Not really.  It would seem that way but since no rabbit can sweat they still all release the heat through their ears the same way.  Most rabbits have some ear control.  My lops are able to plop their ears however they want.  

They lie together because they are social creatures.  Their brains are the size of a pea and unlike us they don't understand body heat.

Anyway  if it is over 80 degrees they need to be moved to a cooler area.  This weather has been horrible and even though I have fans and circulation in my barn I have not been able to keep the heat below 80.  They have all been moved to my under ground garage.  If you are having severe issues you can also try misters that can be bought at most cage supply stores.

Good luck.  Sorry I really didn't have a better answer.
