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Rabbit with broken teeth

22 11:33:41

We let our rabbit Victoria out in the yard for the weekend surrounded by a wire fence, and we think she might have leapt face first into it.  Her top teeth are nestled behind her bottom teeth, and they appear almost disjointed at the base.

I'm not sure, but I thought her top teeth were in front before.  She doesn't seem to be bothered by us touching them, and they don't appear to be lose at all, but she isn't chewing up her treats and we had to give her a little bowl to drink out of.  Do you think I should take her to the vet?  Or am I just freaking out over nothing?  Thanks for your time.


If her front teeth are not coming together, then she has a maloclussion and she needs her teeth trimmed.  

I would take her to the vet and have her teeth checked out.

You can find some good information on rabbit dental issues at

Be aware that she may need her teeth trimmed regularly, but she will be able to chew and will be much happier!
