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Maloccluded Incisors in rabbits

22 11:32:05

Dear Dana

Thank you so much for your help and advice, I just thought I would update you...As you suspected, the rabbit has got problems with his molars as well.  Under sedation it was revealed that the last 2 molars at the bottom were slanted inwards and there were spurs which needed removing.  Apparently the vet would have taken out them out had they been loose but they weren't.  The Rescue Centre are being very reponsible and are not re-homing the rabbit at the moment.  They are keeping him for a while to assess the extent of his problems before they try and rehome him, which I think is really good.

Many thanks again for your help. Its great to know you are out there!!

Kind regards


Dear Cordelia,

I hope they'll file down those molars, which is really easy to do.  Please pass along the information to the center vet that if s/he needs information on how to file molar spurs (a very minor procedure!) s/he can call either Dr. Susan Kelleher or Dr. Amanda Salb at (954) 968-7171.

Molar spurs are really not a big problem, and they are quite manageable if you have a vet who knows how to deal with them.

Good luck!
