Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Rabbits > URGENT - Can both male n female rabbits be in same cage as new born

URGENT - Can both male n female rabbits be in same cage as new born

22 10:49:11


We brought a male and female rabbits ( thinkhing they were both female)... anyway, the female rabbit was unknowingly preggers, gave birth and now we are wondering whether the male and female rabbit can be in the same borrow? It seems as though the maleis still trying to mate with the female... and further we are worried that the babies may get trampled upon by the male.

We removed him for one night..andkept him seperate however, due to the weather... we are unsure how muh longer we can continue to do so.. so have returned him back to the cage..

That was pretty long winded... but can you please help!!!

Thank You,

Itua & Osato

Definitely seperate them again. Males can end up hurting the babies, plus he is likely to impregnate the female again, causing her to have babies before her current litter is fully weaned. In fact, since females are generally most receptive right after giving birth, it is likely that she is pregnant again already.