Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Rabbits > I would like to know what are my bunnies and how to keep them clean

I would like to know what are my bunnies and how to keep them clean

22 11:35:08

I have 3 rabbits all different, 1 small, 1medium, and 1 large, and I would like to know how do you know when they get along. and how to keep them clean thank you very much for your time.

Hi Wanda,
       well to get rabbits to get along its best to put them together when they are babies so they grow up together because its harder when they are fully grown. Just put them together and see how they react, if they fight then quickly seperate them and dont put them together, if they react ok then dont leave them together for very long. If they are different sex then dont put them together cause they may mate so its up to you if you want babies or not.