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Rabbits and catfood

22 10:31:04

Is it healthy for rabbits it eat cat food? Sometimes our 2 cats and rabbit
just sit there and munch on it. We don't know why or if its healthy,but we sure
know he likes it.
                         Help me,
                                          My family.


don't let your rabbit eat cat food.  Their gi tract is not set up to handle meats well.  You can really cause serious problems that can kill them if you let them eat things they are not designed to eat.  Their gi tracts are a lot more sensitive than dog and cat gi tracts.

Not every rabbit goes after dog/cat food.  There is just some kind of smell that is coming off of it that apparently makes it tasty to him.

You may try feeding them in separate places, or feeding the cats in a place your bunny cannot get to.  But do not allow him to continue eating cat food.

I would suggest picking up the books I recommend in my profile info, and also spend time on the House Rabbit Society web site ( and look up their nutrition info.

He should be eating, in orderof importance: timothy/orchard grass hay, a small amount of greens, a smaller amount of food pellets (no extra junk, just pellets) and very small amounts of acceptable treats.