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Limping Rabbit

22 10:46:38

I just recently noticed that my rabbit is limping! When I was carrying him out of his cage he didn't squirm like he usually does and when i put him on the ground, he wasn't applying any pressure to his back leg. When he lies down he lies on his side, without his foot touching the ground. He'll still hop around but not hardly as much as he used to. I don't know what's wrong!

You'll need to take your rabbit to a vet.  The vet can feel the leg and if needed take xrays.  Then the vet can determine if the leg is broken.  Leg injuries can be very painful for your rabbit.  If you hear him grinding his teeth, he's in pain.  If he's in pain, it can have a cascading effect, his eating may slow down or stop.  This can lead to GI problems which can be very serious.

If the vet determines that his leg is broken, inquire about pain medications for your rabbit.

But really, the only person who can tell you what is exactly wrong is a vet.