Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Rabbits > Unfriendly bunny or just scared?

Unfriendly bunny or just scared?

22 11:08:57

Hi there,
thanks so much for your help.
yes we do have a cat, and I have already noticed that I will have to keep a very close eye on the 2 of them. Bunny now seem very happy - but does still scare very easily.
i have one more quick question. If bunny is thumping (which he now does whenever the cat is inside - does this mean he is being traumatised, or am I safe to just shut the door to the room he is in the hutch in and just ignore it?

The text above is a follow-up to ...

Hi there,
I got my first bunny yesterday. A mini lop. He has been hand rared with hs
brothers and sisters. I have bought him home, to an indoor hutch. I let him
run aruound on the couch last night nd he seemed happy. but this morning I
woke up to some serious thumping. I ended up having to slepp with him
patting him for hours. But as soon as i put him back it started again. I figure
maybe he is lonely? I dont really know what to do other tahn spend heaps of
time with him? But will this mean patting him all noght forever? I dont want to
make him scared or turn him unfriendly - do you have an advice?
He is probably trying to get used to his new surroundings. Do you have an inside dog or cat? if so he may be scared of them. Try covering his pen at night with a towel or something. Keep in mind that rabbits are more active at night, so he plays more after you are sleeping.

It will take a while for him to get used to his new surroundings and the new people and animals that are near him daily, but he will. He will learn not to be scared of you or your cat.  My rabbits are used to our other animals now, and actually the cat is scared of them. :)  Shutting the door is best because if you keep getting him out everytime he does it, he will begin to abuse it if you know what i mean. That will be the way he gets your attention.