Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Rabbits > dead bunny went stiff immediately

dead bunny went stiff immediately

22 10:44:54

my bunny had a wet dewlap & was not eating, I called the vet who prescribed antibiotic, before my husband could get home with the meds, she was dead and stiff. What made her get stiff so fast?? Should I be worried about my other bunnies (they all seem fine)? Should I be worried that I handled her (I am pregnant)? Thanks, Laurie

Dear Laurie,

I am sorry about the loss of your bunny.  You don't mention how long she had the wet dewlap and was not eating, but this condition is strongly indicative of molar spurs or other painful dental problem that could have elicited ileus:

Rabbits generally do not die from this very quickly, so there may have been other things involved.  But unfortunately the only way to know for sure would be via necropsy/post mortem exam by a good rabbit vet:

The vet who prescribed antibiotics without even examining the rabbit is probably NOT the best person to do the necropsy, since s/he does not sound as if s/he is very experienced with rabbits, judging from what you've said.  

It is not likely that your other rabbits are at risk, and it is extremely unlikely that you or your unborn child could be harmed by anything your bunny had.  

I am very sorry about your loss.

Take care,