Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Rabbits > RABBIT DEWLAP


22 9:46:30

QUESTION: My Female 2 year old rabbit, Sunny has a dewlap.  It seems to interfere with her grooming her own rump (I help her).  Is this normal or is she just too fat & I need to put her on a diet until her dewlap is of a manageable size?

ANSWER: hi Mary the simple answer is she is to fat , put her on a strict diet and no treats.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Thank you for your prompt & concise answer to my inquiry. Sunny's diet is usually 1/2 cup pellet food - divided morning & evening, 4-5 leaves romaine lettuce, 6-7 baby carrots and all the timothy hay she desires daily.  She also usually gets a treat at night.  I know now to eliminate the treats, but is there anything else I need to do to adjust her diet on a daily basis?  How long should I continue to restrict her diet - until she can grrom herself again?  Where do rabbits store their fat? She seems to have all her fat in her dewlap, as her body isn't particularly porky. Thank you for your help.  My male rabbits don't seem to have the same issues.

hi nary all she needs is the pellets and hay the lettuce and carrots will only fill her up and produce fat.
my rabbits weigh 5-6lb and they have one bowl of pellets a day and as much water as they want -this way they keep there weight constant.