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too clean rabbit!

22 10:54:31

hi, i am worried about my 2 year old dwarf lop.  she quite often has the run of the garden during the day and for the past couple of weeks is refusing to use her cage or attached run as a toilet!  she will only go in the garden and if i am unable to let her out for a couple of days although her cage is wet there is no sign of any droppings.  when i do let her in the garden she straight away goes, but it has now become runny and very big.  i am worried that she is causing herslelf harm.  how can i persuade her to go in the cage or run??!  thanks.

Dear Hayley,

Wow, this is an unusual problem.  She is *so* litterbox oriented that she could be making herself sick!

One suggestion:  Place a litterbox with pelleted sawdust litter and fresh hay in the area of the garden she uses for her waste.  Place some identical ones in her cage and run so that she can make the connection.  They will be most attractive to her if they are in a private corner.

You'll have to be sure to let her out every day until she gets used to this routine. But I can't think of another way to let her know it's okay to use areas in her run and hutch.

I hope this helps!
