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rabbits playing together (one unaltered)

22 9:47:02

i had my rabbit for 3 years he is unaltered. my brother then got two baby rabbits and one of his two became mine a girl she is now sexual mature-they are housed separate and will remain that way. I can't care for baby rabbits and i do have anybody that would want the babies so i don't want them to breed but i do want to be able to put them down to play together in the yard (just to make it a bitter easier on me) i am going to get her altered in the next month or two. BUT once i do is it OK after she has healed and all to let them be in the yard together possibly bond them?

Hi Liz,

After they are altered you can bond them.  Both of them need to be altered or it isn't going to work.  If you have the doe spayed and the buck is not neutered he will constantly try to breed her and this is usually not well tolerated by an unaltered doe.  If you want information on how to bond them you can find a lot of useful information at the House Rabbit Society.

Good luck with your bunnies.
