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leaky eye and sneezing

22 11:26:56

I noticed a few days ago that one of my rabbit's eyes was leaking b/c the hair below was matted and wet. He is a house rabbit and stays in a cage. Do you know what could be the cause of this?

Also, he has begun sneezing more frequently. It is not constant, but definitely more than usual. I have changed from shavings to another type of litter b/c I thought he may be reacting to the shavings. I also heard that shavings were not good to use.

I am going to bring him to the vet but did not know if this was very serious and if I need to bring him right away. (he is eating, drinking, playing normally)

Thanks for your help!

It's not immediately serious, but your idea of taking him to the vet is a good one.

You might check this out to see if it is anything like what your rabbit is having -

Is the new litter scented?  He could be having an allergic reaction to that.  Cedar shavings are not good to use, but aspen shavings are acceptable.  You can read more about this at

Good luck.
