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Repeated Urine Scald/Messy Bottom

22 11:19:48

Dr. Krempels,

Back in April I emailed you about my rabbit Bunnycito passing away (thank you for your advice, it was very helpful/comforting to me).  Bunnycito's companion however has not been doing too well since his death and I'm at my wit's end trying to figure out how best to help her.

At first, Daisy had a hair ball/impaction in her stomach.  The doctor gave her metoclopramide .8ml /twice day plus we had to give her papaya/pineapple.  She slowly recovered.  Now however, the problem Daisy is having is that she has been getting repeated urine scald/infected bottom.  She had this problem before Bunny's passing twice before.  She's never been fastidious about cleaning herself down there.  Ever since she was young I've tried to litter train her.  Bunny took to it in a day.  Daisy just never did.

It is a surprise to me when I find her in such a state.  Her cage is slotted (though she has some straw mats to sit on) and her litter box (which she uses both as one of her many potty spots plus a bed) is not that messy.  I've completely taken away the litter box to reduce the time she might be sitting on her waste just recently.  The hair around her bottom is gone and the skin is reddish.    The vet says I might need to just keep her hair clipped down there to avoid this problem.  

She is eating fine now and drinking.  She seems despondant sometimes but when I go to pet her/interact she is her fiesty self.

I am wondering what should I do to keep these infections from happening and be as healthy and happy as possible.

Any suggestions would be appreciated.

Thank you

Dear Soraya,

Yes, it does sound as if Daisy is having some chronic urinary tract problems, but "keeping her shaved" isn't very good veterinary advice.  I hope you will go here:

to find a vet who will take this problem more seriously and know what to do.  Please read:


for help in the meantime.

Daisy sounds as if she is still grieving the loss of her friend.  And seriously, the BEST thing you can do for her is to (1) have her spayed, if she's not already and (2) contact your local rabbit rescuer to set up some "blind dates" so she can pick a new mate.

Grief can cause a great deal of stress, and that, in turn, can suppress the immune system, making Daisy more susceptible to all kinds of illness, including what she's suffering now. So while you deal with her urinary tract problem, start working on the best medicine:  a new friend for her so she can be happy and content and healthy again.

You can find your local House Rabbit Society chapter here:

and if there's not one in your area, please contact me and I'll try to refer you to someone who can help set you and Daisy up with a new pal.

Hope this helps!
