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Rabbit sick?

22 11:19:24

Hello, I need help.  My outdoor bunny which is approx. 3.5 years old has suddenly stopped drinking his water.  I keep him a frozen ice bottle to lay against all day, every day and he is in the shade.  Also, both his front legs appear to be wet all the time.  Thanks, Andrea

Dear Andrea,

This could be serious, if he's not drinking in the summer heat. The fact that his front legs are wet strongly suggests that he's drooling,and this is often due to molar spurs that must be filed smooth.  The spurs could be causing him so much pain that he's refusing to drink.  For now, try to give him a heavy ceramic crock for his water so he can try lapping (a more natural position).

But get him to a good, experienced rabbit vet right away:

who can have a look at his molars and file them, if necessary.  Please see:

Hope this helps.  
