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Rabbit urinating everywhere in the house

22 9:47:51

Hi Randy,

I have male, non-neutered dwarf rabbit that I've had for about 1.5 years. We've only kept it in a large cage for about a few months when we got it, and the moment my parents and I have let it out of the cage, my parents have refused to put it back it it's cage at all (since they said he's had a taste of freedom and don't have the heart to put him back in), so he's had free reign of our house 24/7, even now.

The problem is that our rabbit has been peeing and also pooing just about everywhere in our house (bedrooms, family room etc), especially on our carpets and sofas. It's been getting to the point where it's been making my life very depressing as I don't enjoy stepping in urine saturated carpets everyday. I suggested to my parents to at least limit where he can go, but they refuse even that. Neutering would probably help, but they don't seem to keen on that idea either.

I've tried litter-training my bunny when he was still caged, but it doesn't seem to be working for me. He still goes in his litter box, but he mostly urinates wherever he goes in the house.

Do you have any suggestions of what I should do with my bunny?

Thank you

Hi Adrian....What you are seeing is classic sexual territorial behavior of an intact male rabbit.  He is marking his new territory.  He is at an age when his hormones are at their peak.  By design as a prey animal, their sole existance is to make more rabbits and that makes for raging hormones.  The best thing to do is have him neutered.  But, at this age it probably won't totally eliminate the behavior. I would certainly encourage you to have him neutered since it will decrease the hormonal smell of an intact male and eliminate the possibility of testicular cancer (I have a cancer survivor).  The only sure thing is to confine him most of the time in his cage and allow him out in a restricted and confined area. The more area he has to claim, the worse his behavior will be. But you are seeing classic and proper bunny behavior that has limited options in changing.