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6-8 month old bunny with broken back

22 10:07:07

 My 9 year old son got a bunny from his sister 2 weeks ago that she and I rescued from a fleamarket when they were only maybe 5 weeks old. We nursed them all back to health as they were very malnourished according to the vet. We kept only this one with the intention of my son taking her. Around 5:30 pm today the bunny was playing and my son turned around and as he took a step the bunny jumped in front of him and as his foot came up to take a step it met the right side of the rabbit in the abdomen area close to her hindquarters. She went rolling over three times and as she did she was kicking her back legs. When she stopped rolling she immediately started dragging her back end and I picked her up as she was urinating everywhere. I quick called the vet and rushed her up to them. The Dr. said that she onle has  a deep pain response, no other pain reponses, and I asked to to take an xray to check for a broken back. I was right, it is broken. On the xray it looks to be broken just in front (towards her head) of where her knees would be if she were laying down. The Dr. said she highly doubts she will get better and I pushed to have her try anything and everything for the bunny. She finally administered a steroid injection and said that it should help with the imflammation and that we need to bring her back in the morning to have her urine expressed and to see if it's worth doing anything else or to euthanize her. Here's my dilemma, my 9 year old son is so guilt ridden as it is that I just can't imagine quitting on him and the bunny. Can you give me any other ideas as to how to help her back heal and just so you know I have done canine and feline rescue for 12 years and am more than capable of hand feeding or whatever needs done to help her heal.
  I don't know if there is any kind of casting that can be done or whatever but I just feel like there has to be more that I can do for her.Thank you,


First of all, I am so sorry about your son's bunny. I completely understand how guilty he must feel. I too accidentally broke the back of one of my rabbits.

Second of all, Thank you so much for taking the time, spending the money, and putting in the effort to try and help this poor rabbit.

Unfortunately, I agree with the vet. There is a very small chance that she will recover. It is much more likely that she will increasingly get worse every day.

It is great to hear that you do not wish to give up on her or your son, but I feel that prolonging this situation will only make it worse.

Just tell your son that sometimes in life things don't always go as planned and that accidents happen that are nobody's fault. Explain to him why it would be best to end her pain and suffering. I know that he is young and it may be hard for him to understand, but it is an awfully important talk at this time.  

When you go to the vet tomorrow ask again if there is anything that can be done at this point.
Ask the vet if he/she thinks it would be best to have her euthanized.

These are just my opinions. Do not feel pressured by anyone. Do what you feel is best.
I wish you, your son, and the bunny much luck.

-Lia Harvey