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how to tell gender of rabbits

22 11:16:40

i was wondering if you could tell me how to tell a boy rabbit from a girl rabbit . How do you tell if one of them is pregnent.

There is no sure signs of pregnancy in rabbits. Some signs that could mean a rabbit is pregnant can also be found in non-pregnant rabbits, and some pregnant rabbits may not show any signs at all.

Your best bet is to have a veterinarian or an experienced breeder show you how to palpate (feel for babies) to determine pregnancy. This should not be done until someone experienced shows you how to do it safely, as it can harm the mother or babies if it is not done right. You can use this link to locate a show in your area. Contact the secretary for directions to the show. There you can find a breeder who will be able to show you how to palpate. If you need help sooner, the secretary may be able to get you in touch with a breeder in your area if you let her know why you need to locate one.

To tell a male from a female, the simplest thing to do is to look at the area near the tail. If the rabbit is an adult, there are usually two (sometimes just one) bald sacks of skin in the area if it is a male. Lack of those sacks does not 100% guarantee you have a female, though, as you may have a male that has not properly developed his testicals. The best thing to do is have the same breeder or vet that shows you how to palpate also show you how to tell the gender of a rabbit. It can be difficult to grasp the idea without seeing it in real life.

However, this article has pictures, so it may help you: