Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Rabbits > teriorty


22 10:58:30

I got a new doe for easter and my old buck and pregnant doe arnt taking well too her.what do i do?

A pregnant rabbit should not be in with any other rabbits. She should have her own cage and area. An unspayed male and female should also not be left together. If a female gets pregnant, and then continues to mate, it could be dangerous for both her and her babies. Rabbits can get pregnant with two different litters at once. If this happens, it can cause problems for both the mother and one or both litters. It can result in dead babies or even the death of the doe.

If you plan on keeping two rabbits together, the best thing to do is to have them spayed/neutered. This will make them more likely to get along, as well. Or course, let the pregnant one have her babies and stop nursing them first.