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male neutered bonded rabbits have started fighting

22 9:50:56

I have just seperated my 8 month old neutered male rabbits as they have suddenly started fighting. They are from the same litter and have always got on well, we had them neutered about 7 weeks ago and they have been getting on great since, playing together and grooming each other.
They spent a couple of nights away over the weekend whilst we were away, being well looked after by the person who bred them. I trust this lady a lot, and she said they had got on fine and they had shared a hutch as usual. They were quite happy when they came home for 24 hours and were cuddling up, then started tearing fur out of each other and chasing, as soon as I let them outside.
This happened the last time they had a holiday but we put it down to hormones and they settled down after a couple of days. This time the fighting is serious. I'm wondering if being within only a few feet of lots of female bunnies and babies at the breeders has unsettled them? Not sure if we should let them go there again.
For now they are apart and can only manage a few minutes of supervised time together on neutral ground before circling each other again. Is it just a matter of being patient on my part, or are there any other tips? Obviously I want them to be happy and not fight, but they appear to be miserable apart and it's heartbreaking as they were so happy together before last night.
Thank you for your help.

Dear Kirsty,

Yes, the trip to the breeders place could certainly have triggered something here.  I'd suggest that if this bond can be repaired, you not ever take them there again.  Try to find a sitter who will take care of them in their own territory and cause as little disruption as possible.

For help in repairing the broken bond, the articles here will give some good ideas and tips:

I hope you can get things back to normal soon.

Good luck,
