Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Rabbits > Rumbling or watery noise coming from my Rabbits stomach

Rumbling or watery noise coming from my Rabbits stomach

22 10:06:12

Hi Dana,

My rabbit MoMo is 2 years old and we have recently moved to a new apartment.

As I was watching him in his cage, I heard a faint watery noise from his stomach. It was very soft as I had to mute the Tv to be sure whether it was from his stomach. After giving his stomach a soft massage, I can feel it moves and feel a little rumble as I rub it over it softly. Is this normal for a rabbit or is it something to worry about?

I did my research over the internet and many gas or stomach rumbling issue seems to link to GI stasis which worries me a bit. He doesnt seem to be acting out of the norm, he is still active, eat and drink plenty like usual. So he doesnt seem to have the other symptons related to GI stasis.

Perhaps I am just a little paranoid as many of the articles describe it as loud stomach rumbling or gas noise, but mine was rather soft and could just be heard when I'm beside him.

Your opinion on this would be much appericated!


Dear Loki,

If your bunny is acting fine and eating and drinking well, then this is a better gauge of his health than mild gurgling (which *might* be a bit of gas, but it won't be a problem unless he's acting ill otherwise).

If you suspect your bunny is ill, here is an article to help you know what to do to know if he's sick and what to do until you can get him to a good rabbit vet:

And you can find a good rabbit vet here:

Hope this helps!
