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Hops only when left side is supported

22 9:50:17

I have a one yr old Holland lop. He was injured one week ago, suddenly no using his hind legs. Previously he shared a hutch with his brother, they were very close. That night we took him to the emergency vet and she said she never saw a bunny act like this. To cover the bases he was prescribed Fenbendazole, prednisone, and baytril. By friday he still seemed really tired and we were concerned that he was in pain. We brought him to an exotic animal vet and she he had a spine injury and it was best to put him to sleep. I had a gut feeling that she did not investigate enough. I brought him inside and spent the entire weekend with him showing affection and inspecting him. By saturday he was using his hind legs to slowly hop, when I supported his left side. When stationary he maintains the upright position but when he goes to move forward, his lower body slumps to the floor (on the left side). Any ideas? He was a big time mounter so I am thinking an injury to the hip or pelvic area. I bring him outside to play and help him stay upright so he can run and hop properly. He seems to enjoy it, but I dont know if this is causing more damage. He seems very happy.

Dear Jill,

It's promising that he's started to regain movement.  I am glad you didn't take that vets advice!!  Even if he had lost the use of his back legs, that is no reason to euthanize!  We have nursed several disabled bunnies through their golden years, and all they need is a little extra love and help!  SHAME on that vet!  :(  GRRR!!!

I would say for the moment:  stay the course.  Don't let him be too rambunctious, lest he reinjure himself.  But keep up the gentle movement and exercise to help him strengthen his muscles and "rewire" any damaged nerves.  He may be able to get back to pretty much normal with time and gentle care.

If all else fails, there are companies that make little wheelie chairs for bunnies.  So tell the Euthanasia Vet to put *that* in her pipe and smoke it.  GRR.

Good luck!
