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Female un spayed bunnies

22 11:09:20

I have three bunnys, one house rabbit and two in garden hutches,My house rabbit seems to be the dominant one and she likes to sniff the other two thru the cages and poop infront of them and chin rub thier cages (they all do that to each others cages) I take turns with them being free to run about the garden and when they by accident (usually someone opening the back door and house bunny escapes) get together they will chase each other but i shout stop and house bunny usually stops but looks like she still wants to get the other. I have had them all for over 3 yrs is there any way i can let them out together let them run about to assert dominance or am i asking for trouble? Once two of them where out all night together (by mistake) but they both seemed fine tho they were in separate parts of garden. Im very scared when they chase and grunt but would love for them to be friends!

Hi cLare,

it is not a good idea to let un-fixed rabbits of the same or opposite sex be together.  You're just asking for a large fight with injuries.

The only way you can ever hope to have them be around each other is to get them all altered.  Then wait 4-5 weeks after the last ones' operation (it takes this long to get the remaining hormones out of their system), and then you will have to go through a bonding process to make sure they can be friends and be around each other without fighting.

Visit the House Rabbit Society web site ( for extensive articles on bonding.

Write back anytime.  Lee