Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Rabbits > Snuffles-Hector--HELP!!!!


22 11:16:27


Thank you for responding to my inquiry about my mini lop Hector. After the antibiotic didn't work Hector's vet perscribed Baytril and the sneezing reduced in volume and persistence but nonetheless continues.

Now Hector is doing alot of teeth grinding and making noises when i pick him up. Last night when i took him out for his running around time I noticed that his feces were soft and 1 was comprised of several pellet like shaped that were compacted into one long specimen almost like a dog. The vet wants to do all sorts of testing and I really just can't affor it at the moment but I don't want Hector to suffer.

What should I do? Is it something serious that I should consider euthenising him since I can't afford expensive diagnostics and treatments? I really do want what is best for Hector. I feel horrible that my finances have taken such a turn and I don't want him to suffer because of it.


Dear Jess,

Absolutely nothing in what you've written suggests that Hector "needs" to be euthanized!  The poop you saw sounds like a normal cecotrope, but please read:

to be aware of all that can go wrong with the GI tract, and especially be aware of:


If your bunny has chronic cecal dysbiosis (mushy poop), also consider having his molars checked:

Hope this helps.
