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My rabbit bite me

22 11:34:27

Why does my littel dwarf rabbit attac my hand when i want to pet her while she is in her cage?
She has always been so sweet and calm but since a couple of months she's changed.
She is 1 1/2 years.
She started to do that after changing to a bigger cage...
How can I make her stop?

     well there lots of reasons why she may be doing this and it happens with most female rabbits.

But you shouldnt let her get away with it so you have got to tell her what she is doing to you is wrong and you arnt going to let her win.

You can try and stop her by tapping her on the nose quite firmly and say NO THATS NAUGHTY. Dont shout at her but say it firmly like you meant it and dont smack her to hard.Just a firm tap on her nose will be anouth.

I hope this helps and good luck from natasha