Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Rabbits > Scab directly between nose and eye

Scab directly between nose and eye

22 11:19:53

I noticed a bump near my bunny's nose a few days ago. The fur was still there, it was just a small bulge. I assumed that it was always there because it was near her whiskers (or whatever it's called on rabbits). Today I can clearly see that it is a scab. The fur is still on her, but it seems to be falling off w. the scab?  I poked at it but my bunny didn't try to run or show any signs of being in pain. She doesn't even seem to acknowledge it. I don't know if it's a skin infection (I looked up basically everything). So I'm assuming that at some point she hurt herself when I wasn't around and the skin is trying to heal?

Dear Aisha,

If she has no fleas or mites, then she might just have injured herself.  But do consider that she might have scratched herself raw from a flea bite.  Rabbits can be safely treated for fleas with Revolution, Advantage, or Program, but DO NOT use Frontline, which can be deadly to them.

If the skin underneath the scab looks healthy and pink, then I wouldn't worry. But if you see any sign of inflammation, pus, or other abnormal signs, then I would get her to a good rabbit vet for evaluation:

Hope this helps!
