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Noisy Breathing

22 10:32:30

Hi, First I should say my white albino rabbit has been a great addition to my home. He and my dog are best of friends. However, I put him in his cage about an hour ago, and when I walked by I actually heard him breathing. Almost as if he had a stuffy nose. I took him out gave him some love, (petting and cuddling) then he got down and he seems fine again. No loud breathing he's just lying on the floor. I wouldn't call his breathing labored at all, in fact now he seems fine. Could he have a cold, or is it possible he was just hot. It is very strange to me that he seems fine now, yet in the year and a half he's been with us I never noticed  such loud breathing. Can you help?

Hi Kathryn,

are you sure he wasn't just teeth grinding (a sign of happiness)?  They do these little 'turbo grinds' that sound like a gentle purring sound.  How you describe him while he was doing this suggests to me that this is what he was doing.  He was resting and happy and was expressing his happiness.