Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Rabbits > is my bunny deaf?

is my bunny deaf?

22 10:04:07


Kitty and Muzz
Hi, I have two mini lop bunnies, they're both about 2 months old right now, and they're brother and sister.
I think they might be deaf because they don't respond to any loud sounds.
I'll have the vaccuum on and they won't mind it, but as soon as they see it, they run.
If I clap really loud, they don't respond.
And they don't come when I call their name, only if they see me tap the floor.
They only respond to hand gestures.
But they were sleeping the other night and I was moving stuff around in my room, where they were sleeping, and a lot of it accidentally fell and made a clearly unmissable noise, but they were still fast asleep.
Could they both be deaf, since they're brother and sister?
Neither of them respond to any noise.

Thank you so much, Jess.

Dear Jess,

Yes, it certainly possible that your bunnies are deaf.  You might want to have them checked by an experienced rabbit vet:

to be sure that there's no mechanical problem obstructing their ear canals (severe wax, infection, or ear mites).  But as you've already seen, bunnies can be completely happy, even if they can't hear well (or at all).  You just have to be extra careful where you step or move furniture, since they won't hear danger coming and could be injured if the humans in the household are not extra cautious.

Note that the male should be neutered as soon as his testicles descend, because he'll have no qualms about impregnating his sister.  And if they are congenitally deaf, I'd hate to think what congenital problems their offspring would have, being extremely inbred.

Hope this helps.
