Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Rabbits > 3 week old rabbits

3 week old rabbits

22 10:48:54

I only get to see my friend once a year. He is out now and my rabbit had kits. My friend wants to take a kit with him. When my friend leaves the kits will be three weeks old. Is it ok for my friend to take a kit at a so young age? If so, can you tell me things my friend can do to help the kit being away from its mother so young?

Hi Abby,

Unfortunately he will not able to take one with him. Rabbits should be weaned at 6-8 weeks. 4 weeks is the earliest rabbits can be weaned in cases of an emergency (mother becomes ill for example). Even at 4 weeks there are many risks associated. You still have another 3 weeks, which will make a drastic difference. Just think, that short time doubles their present age.

Good luck!