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male rabbit litter training

22 10:39:38

I have just found a mini lop in the garden at work. I have brought him home to me female giant British. They have bonded but the male keeps urinating wherever he pleases and poos everywhere. I have been putting his litter tray in places he seems to prefer but he hasn't stopped. I'm getting him neutereed next week. WILL THIS HELP?

Hi Lizzie

This will usually help almost 100 of the time.  The problem is that if you don't know how old he is he may be set in his ways.  It is however very rare that they don't break their bad litter habits after neutering.

What a great thing you did by saving this fellow.  Please make sure that you don't allow him near your doe until he is neutered.  Even if she is spayed he may become sexually aggressive towards her and it may cause fights.  After the surgery you are going to need to bond them properly.  I will give you some web-sites that will help you out.  If you still need more help after you read through them please let me know.  I just think it is silly to type it all up myself when you can just read it.  If you have any difficulty at all with bonding I am here to help you though so just let me know. Leaf X - final.pdf

the above link is more about bonding multiple rabbits but I really like the info.  The following should help you greatly.

Bless your heart for saving the fellow
