Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Rabbits > 5 year rabbit

5 year rabbit

22 10:29:46

My rabbit has in the last 2 weeks lost some of its fur underneath and nearly most of its fur on the underside of its leg, she seems to be limping as well and losing weight.  Could this be a mite problem, she seems to be wet underneath as well.


If your bunny keeps scratching the area too then i would think that it possible could be mites. If it gets much worse and your rabbit carries on scratching it could turn into a bad infection.

When a rabbit loses weight very quickly that is a sign that a rabbit is not well.

My best advice would be to go and see your vet ASAP, so the mits can get rid of.

Make sure her hutch is nice dry and clean.

hope this is of some help
