Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Rabbits > hormones after spay

hormones after spay

22 10:29:45

Hello! I recently had my female rabbit altered for two reasons..1) to reduce her chances of uterine/ovarian cancers later on in life, and 2) to tone down her aggressive, hormonal behaviors (she grunts, lunges, etc when I go to feed her, change her litter, etc)   I know that it can take a while for the hormones to subside after the surgery, so I was wondering when can I expect her to stop with the grunting, lunging, biting, or is there a chance she still might protect her cage that way even after being fixed?



anywhere from 4-6 weeks, it takes, to have the body stabilize hormones at the new, lower level.  You should start seeing, along the way, reducing aggressive behaviors.

There is a very rare exception where a rabbit was producing more hormones than normal because of an overactive adrenal gland.  Spaying still reduces the behavior, but not as much as in a rabbit with a normal adrenal gland.  I would doubt you have this unless you basically don't notice any changes after a few months.  (Also keep in mind some rabbits need some extra love during this time because they may not trust you as much after the strange procedure that made them feel not good.)  
