Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Rabbits > lionhead rabits food

lionhead rabits food

22 10:59:21

QUESTION: what is a lionhead rabbit main source of food
ANSWER: The main source of food for any rabbit should be a high quality pellet ( special food milled specially for rabbits that has  complete nutrition ) plus an extra source of fiber - which can be any clean dry hay or grass.  As a treat you can give occasionally banana peel, apple ( NO seeds ) green leaves from an ear of corn, 1" piece of carrot, carrot tops, beet tops - dark leafy vegetables.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: my lionhead rabbit wont eat the pellets. and the person i got it from said it cant eat lettuce

Jesse, try a different brand of pellets.  Dark green lettuce is ok - the lettuce that is not good id ice burg.  The reason I suggest pellets is that it has complete nutrition.  A rabbit can live on other things but you need to give it a lot of variety and I know from experience that to do that takes up a LOT of time which would be better spent playing with the bunny.

Good food ( not treats )
beet tops
carrot tops
dark green lettuce
fresh and dried alfalfa
immature pea leaves and pods
chunks of sweet potato
chunks of turnip
full grain wheat
full grain oats
full grain barley
fresh chic peas with foliage

The problem is that you cannot give just one of these - it has to be a mixture so that each different food aport different nutrients.