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Bunny breathing funng

22 10:04:25

My bunny is about 3 years old female. Half Flemish giant/loop. She is eating and drinking fine but she is breathing with slow deep breaths not normal bunny breathing, she is also not interacting with her sisters like normal, she has been hiding from them. Is there such a thing as bunny asthma? Should I be concerned and take her to get looked at or this is normal for this time of year.

Dear Kristen,

Labored breathing isn't normal, and could be a sign of upper respiratory infection, or even pneumonia.  Please get her to a good, experienced rabbit vet ASAP:

for examination and treatment.  Please also see:

for instructions on what to do in the meantime, so she'll be comfortable and safe until you can get her to the vet.

Asthma or allergies are rare, and I would never assume those more benign conditions when there is the real possibility of a dangerous infection brewing.  I hope she will be fine.  But she needs to be examined by a good rabbit vet ASAP.
