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Flaking back

22 11:22:47

I am the owner of a buck lop rabbit, whom I've had for approximately six years (he was two years of age at the time I got him) and has been a great companion and free of any health problems. (the closest he's come to a health problem would be the occasional warts on his ear, which will grow over a year or two and then eventually fall off) However, recently, I was stroking him and noticed that his skin beneath his fur was almost lumpy and uneven. I parted the fur on his back to find that it was entirely covered in dead skin, white and thick. I was, needless to say, alarmed, and brushed him, finding that healthy, tho irritated,red skin, lay beneath. I could not remove all of the dead skin from his back, as it was extremely plentiful and his skin was started to hurt. Within a relatively short time, the 'cleared' spots were once again covered. He doesn't seem unusually itchy, and there has been no unusual fur loss or odour, and certainly no visible parasites (this is why I ruled out fur mites). It is only on his back- not on his head, belly, neck or legs.
Also, every three to four months, his right eye will have some discharge, forming a crust in front of it, as tho something were irritating it. The only thing I have been able to do is clean the area with warm water and cut off the gunky fur- new fur grows back in no time, and the area around his eye is healthy and normal for another three months. I don't know if there is a reason for this. It's high time he payed a visit to the local vet, but until then, is this something to be alarmed about, is there anything you know of that this could be, and is there anything I can do?
I was afraid that perhaps he was having a mineral imbalance, so I was sure to provide him with a salt lick (he eats food that is supposedly balanced) This made no difference, and his fur and skin has normally been extremely healthy, and he still smells sweet and clean. Thank you very much for your time!

Dear L'Wren,

It sounds as if your bunny has a case of fur mites (Cheyletiella sp.).  Fortunately, these are easily and safely treated with Revolution (selamectin) from your vet.  DO NOT use Frontline, as it can be deadly to rabbits.  For complete information on skin and fur problems in rabbits, as well as their treatment, please see:

The runny eye is very likely due to a dental problem, and you can familiarize yourself with how this works here:


Check the quality of his diet here:

to be sure he's actually getting the right things to eat, and not just what the pet store labels tell you is "balanced" (Most feed manufacturers are into making money, and don't really care about the health of your rabbit).

Finally, you can find a good vet to help you here:

Hope this helps. Please write back if you have any other questions.
