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Male and Female rabbits together

22 10:34:45

I have a male and a female rabbit. They have lived together for 7 months now. They groom each other and cuddle while they sleep. I have heard that can't happen. I think the female might be pregnant because lately she gets really feisty and mad when the male tries to do his thing. Do you think the male will hurt her babies if she does have kits? If she is pregnant would he be trying to get up on her?

Rabbits are social creatures and can bond with each other.  They will groom each other and spend time together.  It can happen with boys and girls or same sex rabbits.

Not having bred rabbits, I don't know if the female will get feisty if she's already pregnant and the male is trying to mount her.

But if she is pregnant, she may get generally feisty or territorial.  

It takes about a month from the time she gets pregnant to the time she gives birth.

If she does give babies, the male may not hurt them.  But the female can get pregnant again right after giving birth, so you want to separate him from the mother and the babies while she is still taking care of them.

If you don't want babies, you can get both or at least the male neutered.

If she is pregnant, these sites have info on taking care of the mother and the babies: