Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Rabbits > Baby rabbit health

Baby rabbit health

22 11:15:20

Today i found a baby rabbit on a golf course all by itself, there was no nest around at all, so i took it home with me. It doesnt seem to beable to lift its own head, or walk or stand at all. It moves around, but only by arching his back and rolling around. What should i think of this, and what should i do to start caring for it? Im not sure how old it is, or any of that. Thank you

Dear Kyle,

If this is a wild rabbit, it could be ill, and in need of veterinary treatment. Please find a good rabbit vet here:

If it's a very small baby but you could not find a nest, it could be that it was captured by a crow and then dropped from a great height.  This is how crows often kill their helpless prey.  A good vet will be able to evaluate the baby's condition and its chances for recovery.

If this is a wild cottontail, this should also help with feeding and care:

Hope this helps!
