Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Rabbits > Snuffles


22 9:38:59

My pet bunny was diagnosed with an upper respiratory infection March 14. We had already planned and paid for vacation so we went and had our pet sitter medicate her. We were supposed to dose her for two weeks but we are almost out of the medication about a week later. Will she be okay when the medication runs out? What is our best course of action? She is about 4 months and has not been fixed yet (planned to happen soon).


I would be more concerned over the fact that her dosage was way too high than if she'll be alright after the meds are gone. Since she's still around, I'd say you're probably in the clear. Your best course of action is to observe her and see if the symptoms return. That's really all you can do for now.

I'm sorry my answer isn't better, but this is definitely a "wait and see" scenario. Best of luck!
