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Dwarf Rabbit breeding

22 10:56:41

I have been having a bit of trouble with trying to stop my doe's from pooping and urinating in there houses and also my one doe pooped and urinated in her nesting box I made for her, Why is that? What are way's to stop them from doing that? What can happen to the babies if exposed to fences and urine? I am just hoping you may be able to help me.

               Thanks Dawn  

Dawn, most does have a corner of the cage where they like to poo and pee.  If you put the nest box in that corner they will use it as a bathroom.  I suggest you change the placement of the nest box.  Yes, poo and pee in the nest will negatively harm the kits.

Occasionally you will find a doe who wishes to use the nest as a bathroom no matter where it is located in the cage.  For these does you can remove the nest and return it to the Doe twice a day for feeding - early morning and at night.  Just be sure you put the nest in a place where it is in no danger. ( I use an empty cage ) You can do this until the kits are ready to leave the nest - between 15 and 21 days.  If that same doe does this the second time around I would make her stew.

Dawn, you do know that you put the nest in the cage at day 28 - right ??  If you give the doe the nest way before hand, unless she asks for it, she will dirty it as she does not have the nesting instinct.  When you put the  nest in just a few days before kindling her hormones will be telling her to nest - and then it is rare that they dirty it - unless you put it in their bathroom corner.