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Minerals in regular water

22 11:24:00

Dear Dr. Krempels,

This is a related question to the message I have sent you before. I have read on bunch of websites that the only minerals present in appreciable amounts in regular water are calcium and magnesium. Since, it is assumed that distilled water has close to zero minerals. Would I be able to supplement these minerals with some green or other kind of vegetables in my bunnies diet?

I also read that regular water only contains a very small percentage of an individual's total daily intake of minerals. According to a study the water accounted for less than 5% of daily mineral intake. If this is true, my bunnies shouldn't be missing out on the essential minerals right? What do you think? Do studies represent facts? or could they be wrong?

Ultimately, should my bunnies still drink distilled water?

Dear Miguel,

While it's true that natural water (depending on where it comes from) has only traces of minerals and electrolytes, and that water is not our primary source of those nutrients, it's also true that distilled water is so hypotonic relative to normal tissues that I would not use it unless an animal had some medical reason to be "stripped" of minerals and electrolytes.

So it's not that water is an important source of the nutrients.  It just should not be *stripping* them out of the body, which distilled water does tend to do.  (If you drink a lot of distilled water, you will soon be suffering from leg cramps, and even worse, unless you supplement your diet with mineral and electrolytes from another source.  Try it.  I have!)

In my opinion, distilled water should not be given on a regular basis.  
