Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Rabbits > Mass/ lump in dewlap

Mass/ lump in dewlap

22 9:55:44

Hi Dana,

I asked you a question previously regarding my rabbit's bulging eyes
(periodic). Thank you for your answer.

Today I was palpating her dewlap region (she is female, 8.5 yrs old) and
discovered the presence of soft lumps internally. There is one larger one and
two smaller lumps (either side of large). They are quite soft, and do not move
much when manipulated. They seem to be connected via soft tissue to other
deeper structures.

Should I be worried about these lumps? Do you think they could be related to
the periodic bulging of her eyes (occur when head is down). At her age, I am
wary of any operations- even if possible to remove the lumps, the stress may
be too much for her.

Thanks again for your valuable help.

Dear Joanne,

If the lumps are soft and pliable, I would not worry too much at this point.  Many bunnies develop fatty lumps in their dewlaps, and these are benign.  

Keep an eye on them, check them every week or so.  If they change in shape, texture or size, have the vet check them.  They might be abscesses that should be excised.  But otherwise, I would not worry too much about them.

Hope this helps.
