Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Rabbits > why is my rabbit acting out biting, scratching, and chewing things.

why is my rabbit acting out biting, scratching, and chewing things.

22 9:43:51

Hello i have a question i just bought a rabbit from the pet store its a younger rabbit  its been a week since i got him and all week he has been fine he lay'd next to me and played with his chew toys nd everything was fine now all of a sudden he is chewing my carpet ( we let him have a room to himself) and when i slap the floor he stops and looks at me and starts again he has been scratching at the corner and then he starts to run everywhere like he got scared from something also i put him in a cage at night so he doesn't chew.the carpet he did nor have a problem with it till now he starts bitting the cage metal part and fliping out in the cage you think it could have anything to do with his teeth please help me i love him to death and in trying to understand him

Dear Shyanne,

Young rabbits are naturally rambunctious and they can be destructive.  The behavior you describe is quite normal, though it will slow down and eventually stop when bun is older.

In the meantime, if he's male, then having him neutered will help curb his destructive, hormonally-driven behavior.  Please read:

Also, the tips here should help protect your house while bun goes through those difficult "teen months" (which--as with dogs and cats--can last until the bunny is 18-24 months old, especially if not spayed/neutered).

For all the best information for learning to understand your bunny, please go to:

Here to a happy, healthy, long life together!
