Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Rabbits > My Rabbits Paw

My Rabbits Paw

22 10:30:16

I suddenly noticed today that my rabbit was stepping gingerly on one of his front paws,and kept stopping to lick/nibble the bottom of it.On closer inspection I noticed that there seems to be less fur on the bottom of his paw and it is all pinky/reddy.There also looks like a little lump on the bottom/side of his paw but that is virtually furless to - what is wrong with his paw,could one of his claws have snapped off? and if so does this class as an emergency - would there be anything a vet could do?????  Please get back to me asap. Thanks   Emma

Dear Emma,

Since I can't see the paw to know what's going on, I'd recommend that you take your bunny to a good rabbit vet:

He might have a foreign body stuck in his paw, or he could have an abscess or other problem that needs treatment.  IF it's bad enough to cause him to limp, it's definitely worth a trip to the vet.

I hope this helps.
