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Clicking joints?

22 10:33:36

Hi Dana, you've helped my tremendously with my rabbits in the past and I hope you can help me now.  A week ago I bought an 8 week old mini lion lop from a local pet superstore.  Although I am not comfortable with buying bunnies from a pet shop I couldn't leave her there, as I know long haired breeds need so much work.
She seems lively and healthy, her appetite is excellent and everything coming out of the other end gives me no cause for concern, I have noticed something however that I'm not sure about.  When she's hopping about and jumping in and out of her hutch I've noticed this clicking noise.  The only thing I can liken it to is a humans knees 'clicking' when they stand up.  It's a fairly quiet noise, but it seems fairly constant.  I had her running up and down the hallway last night and it's definitely there!  It doesn't appear to cause her pain as she's so lively but I've never heard a rabbits joints clicking before, is this a common problem and does it need vetinary assistance?

Many thanks and best regards

Samantha Garbutt

Dear Samantha,

Being a purebred angora, this little gal might have some congenital abnormalties of her joints that make them click.  It's not common for bunny joints to click, but I've heard it in older rabbits who have arthritis.

If you're concerned, you might get her to an experienced rabbit vet:

for an exam to determine where the clicking is coming from.  If the vet thinks radiographs might be helpful, that would certainly give a better idea of exactly what's causing the sound and whether it could cause her pain or other problems as she gets older.

Hope that helps!
